The Award Winning
The ComMuniCator is California Mathematics Council’s professional award-winning quarterly mathematics journal filled with articles and activities of interest to California mathematics educators. Our journal articles discuss current issues, report on new developments in mathematics, showcase innovative teaching and assessment techniques, publicize conferences, highlights CMC services—scholarships, grants, awards, and professional opportunities—and provide classroom activities for all grade levels from transitional kindergarten to grade 12. CMC members login with their CMC ID number to access their current and archived issues of the ComMuniCator. For more information, see the About the ComMuniCator Page.

CMC invites you to share your activity or article for publication in the ComMuniCator. CMC invites authors published in the ComMuniCator to present their work at a CMC-sponsored Zoom session to discuss their work and qualify to receive a $500 registration scholarship to attend a CMC conference. For submission information, see the latest edition of the ComMuniCator, the ComMuniCator page on the CMC website at cmc-math.org, or contact the Editor at Editor@cmc-math.org.