A Message from CMC President, Bruce Grip

The California Mathematics Council is known for its three outstanding conferences. Most members of CMC have attended one or more conferences and several members have shared their experience as a conference speaker. CMC-South just hosted its 63rd annual conference in Palm Springs while CMC-North will host its 65th conference the first week of December at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove. CMC-Central will host its annual Symposium in Bakersfield, March 10–11, 2023.
Less is known about the amazing work of CMC Committees. Each committee is comprised of dedicated, experienced leaders in California mathematics education. In their work-related roles these leaders serve as teachers, district or site administrators, county office math specialists, university professors, consultants and respected retirees. They meet as committees six or more times each year to support teachers of mathematics and the mission and commitments of CMC. We are proud of the ongoing work and dedication of committee members to serving teachers.
Outreach and Advocacy Committee
• Actively supporting the development of the draft CA Math Framework
• Providing blogs and tweets in support of quality and equitable math instruction
• Fostering partnership with like-minded math education organizations and the CDE
Communication and Social Media Committee
• Informing the mathematics community about CMC opportunities, resources, and positions through social media
• Creating an inviting, responsive and useful website
Equity and Social Transformation Committee
• Developing resources and presentations to provide an equity lens for the Standards for Mathematical Practice
• Creating classroom vignettes to support equity and equitable mathematics instruction
• Reviewing and writing position papers to support equity and social justice in math education
Family Engagement Committee
• Partnering with organizations that support families and parents with emphasis on math education
• Curating resources for teachers to support family engagement and mathematics instruction
Membership Support Committee
• Actively promoting the benefits of resources available to members
• Creating new and relevant opportunities for CMC members
• Partnering with math education organizations
Awards and Recognition Committee
• Recognizing outstanding leadership in California mathematics education
• Promoting and supporting the prestigious Presidential Award program in California
• Promoting and managing scholarship and grant programs available to CMC members
Student Activity Trust Fund Committee
• Awarding funds to support and promote organized student math events and activities
• Promoting and raising money to encourage investment in student math activities
Would you like to join other highly-motivated math educators in doing meaningful work such as this that extends beyond your school or district? Join a committee and make a difference! I suggest you start your journey as an active member of your local CMC affiliate. I look back, with satisfaction, at the hundreds of dedicated educators that I have met and worked with in my twenty years of involvement with CMC. It started (and continues) with my active involvement in the Inland Empire Math Council serving Riverside and San Bernardino counties. I know that I benefited professionally and I know my students were enriched by my personal involvement with the broader mathematics community of educators. Get involved. Join me and hundreds of others. The rewards are many for you and your students.