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Awards and grants provide opportunities to get support for your school or math classroom, attend a conference, or recognize incredible math educators. 

Donations to Scholarship Funds are most appreciated to help us carry on scholarships that support mathematics educators, and all donations are tax-deductible.  You may make a donation online by clicking the button below, or mail your check in any amount to CMC Directly. Please email for mailing information and details. 

High School Student Awards

Downloadable award to give to students. We encourage teachers to recognize students demonstrating interest, creativity, achievement, or excellence in mathematics. 


Image by javier trueba

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is given to an elementary or secondary teacher awardee on alternating years. Award winners are chosen from several finalists and the prize includes a visit to the White House and over $10,000 in awards. 

Image by Maria Thalassinou

Student Activities Trust Fund

In order to promote student involvement and interest in mathematics, the Student Activities Trust fund provides financial support to qualified organized student activities. Examples include Math Field Days, Problem Solving contests, and Math Olympiads. You can donate by selecting this link. We invite you to join us for our annual California Breakfast at NCTM.


George Polya Memorial Award

  • Nominations for an outstanding classroom teacher who has also been a statewide influence in mathematics education.

Image by Ariel

Edward Begle Memorial Award

  • Nominations for an outstanding administrator or other educator who has also been a statewide influence in mathematics education.

Image by Erika Fletcher

Walter Denham Memorial Award

  • Nominations for an outstanding person who is recognized as an advocate for mathematics education. Unlike our other awards, the nominee does not have to be an educator, nor a CMC member.

In court

Gretchen Muller Memorial Scholarship 

  • In memory of Gretchen Muller, the California Mathematics Council (CMC) has established the Gretchen Muller Memorial Scholarship who, throughout her career was dedicated to serving students, teachers, and leaders for decades in her many roles with CMC and the mathematics education community.  This award will enable up to three teacher leaders or mathematics coaches who work with teachers TK-12 (one from each CMC section) to attend one of the annual CMC Conferences within their section. This Gretchen Muller Scholarship will cover up to $650 in conference expenses such as registration, travel, room, and meals.

Image by Amy Hirschi

Mike Contino Memorial Scholarship

  • University or College professors who work with pre-service teachers can apply for up to $2000 in funds to support the costs of bringing a group of pre-service teachers to one of the CMC conferences. 

Image by Nathan Dumlao
  • Free registration, housing, and travel, plus some additional money to spend on materials purchased at a CMC conference. This scholarship is awarded in honor of the former CMC-South president, Lurie Center. Up to three scholarships (one per section) are awarded annually to teachers of color. 

Image by CDC

Section Awards

Image by Stas Parechyn
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