A Message from CMC President, Ma Bernadette Andres-Salgarino, Ed.D., NBCT
March 2024

Dear CMC Family,
March is Women’s History Month! As we celebrate the achievements and contributions women have made worldwide throughout history, the California Mathematics Council (CMC) continues to recognize and strengthen its commitment to advocating for women’s empowerment in mathematics education and beyond!
Rosa Parks’ words deeply inspire me: “We must have courage—determination—to go on with the task of becoming free—not only for ourselves but for the nation and the world—cooperate with each other. Have faith in God and ourselves” (Library of Congress, 2024). These words resonate with the power of collaboration and community activism.
As an organization committed to ensuring the mathematical competence and confidence of all students, CMC remains steadfast in its mission to promote professional activities that foster excellence in the teaching of mathematics, communicate with partners on issues related to rigorous and challenging mathematics education, and increase diversity and leadership in mathematics education at all levels.
CMC’s Community Activism
“Empowering Students: Providing Meaningful HS Math Pathways to Support College and Career Ready Students” — A Webinar Held on March 14
This month in partnership with the California Mathematics Project (CMP), hosted by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) and co-hosted by several other county mathematics administrators, the webinar was attended by hundreds of educators statewide. Its purpose was to delve into the essential topic of shaping robust pathways in high school mathematics. We are fortunate to have had amazing panelists and members of our High School Curricular and Improvement Support Committee (CISC) join us, making this webinar a collective insight, collaboration, and advocacy cooperative. It serves as a testament to our shared commitment to our students’ academic journey and their preparedness for higher education and the workforce. Access the presentation slides “Empowering Students” (2024) HERE.
A Voice at the UC Regents
Through the Advocacy Committee, CMC voiced its advocacy for robust pathway offerings for every student in California (CMC 2020). Our stance is clear: high school students should engage in modernized and socially just mathematics courses. They should be continuously enrolled in relevant and rigorous mathematics courses throughout their high school experience, facilitating a smooth transition from high school to postsecondary mathematics. Educational policies related to high school graduation requirements should support these expectations. To realize this goal, CMC calls for collaboration across education sectors and stakeholders, including TK–12 teachers; counselors; administrators; district leaders; county offices of education; private, state, and community colleges and universities; parents; students; and communities.
Let us continue to advocate for excellence and equity in mathematics education, empowering all students to succeed and thrive.
Warm regards,
Ma Bernadette Andres-Salgarino, Ed.D., NBCT
President, California Mathematics Council
California Mathematics Council (CMC) and California Mathematics Project (CMP) 2024. “Empowering Students: Providing Meaningful HS Math Pathways to Support College and Career Ready Students” (Google Slides Presentation, March 14, 2024). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tCvfwrd1LNd93s_TK7KJ1FWntcmkOGcb/view?usp=drive_link
California Mathematics Council (CMC) 2020. “The Transition from High School to Postsecondary Mathematics Designing Modernized and Socially Just Pathways through Collaboration, A Position Statement from the California Mathematics Council. https://camc.memberclicks.net/assets/CMC%20Quantitative%20Reasoning%20Statement.pdf
Library of Congress 2024. “Rosa Parks: A Lifetime of Global Impact.” https://www.loc.gov/exhibitions/rosa-parks-in-her-own-words/about-this-exhibition/a-life-of-global-impact/