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Image by Ryan Parker

CMC North 67th Annual Conference
Framing Meaningful Mathematics

December 6 - 8, 2023
Book Asilomar Conference Grounds, CA

800 Asilomar Avenue

Pacific Grove, Ca, 93950


Booking On Grounds Housing


CMC North has a block of rooms reserved for conference attendees and their guests.

Reservations for these rooms are handled by Asilomar directly.

Please read the following information carefully before making your reservation..

  • You must request each other as roommates in order to be assigned to the same room.  

  • You may request up to three roommates for quad rooms.

  • If you request someone to be your roommate, and they do not request you, your reservation will be put on hold.

  •  All requested roommates must be registered for the same lodging nights and must register within 5 business days of each other. 


Asilomar Conference Ground Rates 2-NIGHT MINIMUM STAY REQUIRED,

December 6th, and 7th, includes all meals starting with dinner Friday night and ending Sunday at lunch.  

No refunds can be made for all cancellations received on or after November 3, 2024.


Single: $327.19
Double: $220.38 (per person)
Triple: $188.52 (per person)
Quad: $172.59 (per person) 

Attendee with Guests: $327.19 + $113.57 per additional adult + $83.40 per youth (3-12 years old)

Click here to be taken to the booking site for Asilomar.    


Alternate Lodging


As an alternative to staying on the Asilomar grounds, we have made arrangements through the firm

NV Reservations to reserve a number of rooms in the area at special conference rates.  In an effort to accommodate different preferences as well as budgets, various types of facilities are offered.

For special rates and room reservations for the conference, other than staying on grounds at Asilomar:

Call Gloria at 831-915-7258 or email  or

Call Maria at 707-302-0340 or email


They will make your reservation and send a confirmation.


Link to Registration

For EMERGENCIES during the conference ONLY call Asilomar at 831-372-8016.


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