Program Information
Whether you are a first timer or veteran of Asilomar we invite you to be part of our learning community where we explore mathematical ideas and teaching for understanding. We are proud to have an outstanding group of presenters. Meet new friends who share your interests and love of teaching.
Continuing Education Units Available
Keynote Speakers
Friday 7:30 pm in the Chapel:
Dr. Kris Childs - 5 Keys to Creating an Equitable Mathematics Classroom - Every student deserves a high-quality mathematics education experience. This experience starts with ensuring they are in an equitable mathematics classroom. In this session you will learn the five keys to creating an equitable mathematics classroom and gain practical strategies you can immediately implement in your environment.
Sunday 9 - 12 pm in the Chapel:
Courtney Ortega - Pathways to Engagement: Belonging in a Math Classroom - One pathway to mathematical power includes building our students’ sense of belonging. Beyond feeling welcome, safe, and engaged, belonging includes our identity, our culture, and our roots. The way our students learn matters, and we need to leverage their cultural and linguistic assets in order to maximize deep mathematical understanding. Let’s examine instructional routines that can nurture and sustain belonging in our math classrooms.
Zak Champagne - Making Math More Social - How can we empower our students to engage with and listen to each other’s ideas? During this session, we’ll explore how to get students talking about math with a focus on how they talk and listen to each other. Often, math discussions are centered on one teacher and a few students. Let's ship the focus to investigating how our students communicate about math with each other. Come play with some math ideas and learn how our students are engaging with each other.
Pre-Conference Sessions Friday 1 - 4:30 pm
PK-2, Zak Champagne - Making It Count - During this interactive session, we'll focus on the research and teaching ideas related to how children come to understand counting and cardinality. Along the way we'll investigate the expectations of students in TK and Kindergarten, view a variety of video clips of students at varying levels along the path as they learn to count, and investigate the future ideas that are impacted by a student's understanding of counting and cardinality.
3-5, Kathy Morris - Rejuvenating your Fractions Lessons! - Let’s face it — “I do, We do, You do” doesn’t cut it when it comes to teaching fractions. No matter how hard your students (or you) work, many still struggle to “do” fractions by unit’s end. Come explore lesson routines designed to build students’ curiosity, reasoning, autonomy, and competence. Viewing fractions as a natural expansion of the Number System, we’ll practice leveraging students’ prior knowledge (decomposition, friendly numbers…) and predictable hurdles (regrouping, equivalence…) to help them make sense of the hardest topic in elementary math.
6-8, Sharon Rendon - How might we rethink intervention? - Do you have students who struggle and need intervention? What is the answer? Pre-teach? Vocab drill? More practice? Join me to experience intervention redesigned; a course focusing on relationships, problem-solving, and enjoying mathematics. Experience activities to support students as they rebuild their mathematical identity and read comments from teacher surveys.
HS, Kristina Dance - Explorations in Data Science from YouCubed - Data Science is a new mathematics course that is opening up what it means to do mathematics. The Youcubed data science curriculum provides access to relevant and authentic mathematics learning for ALL students. In this workshop teachers will dive into data science activities that open students eyes to what doing maths involves as well as showing new pedagogical approaches to teaching data science that can be used in any classroom.
Leadership, Chase Orton - A Better Way to Grow Teachers - Challenging times require us to re-imagine the professional development currently offered to math teachers and rethink how we cultivate the craft of equity-focused math teaching. This session outlines a process for creating and supporting a teacher-centered culture of professionalism—one that reignites teachers’ inner fire and empowers them to make meaningful improvements in their instructional craft that enhances student identity and agency. Teachers and leaders welcomed.
Coaching, Rachel Lambert - UDL Math and Games! - Using UDL Math, we explore how intervention needs to engage students as whole beings, including engagement, agency, multiple representations, and the development of strategic thinking. We share our current research Games(Games for Access to Mathematical Engagement). In this session, participants will engage in playing some of the games we recommend, analyzing the mathematics students engage in, and brainstorming how to strategically use games to help students engage in unfinished learning.
Over 200 Sessions
TK to College
Lessons ideas
Equitable Content
Hands-on workshops
Newcomer Sessions
Enjoy a walk on the beach, walk along the dune boardwalk, appreciate the wildlife
CMC North 66th Annual Conference
Pathways to Mathematical Power
December 1 - 3, 2023
Asilomar Conference Grounds, CA
![]() Dr. Kris Childs | ![]() CourtneyOrtega |
![]() ZakChampagne |